SOMBA (Synthesis of Movement & Body Awareness) practice is based on and incorporates somatic movement practices from various somatic modalities.

Somatic Movement Practice and Somatic Technique unwind long-held patterns of tension in the body. These tension patterns are created by old injuries which needed postural compensation at one point, our sedentary lifestyle, and modern-day society/environmental stimuli that create a contractive response in our body which becomes a tension pattern as it is repeated many times a day throughout our lives. Our muscles become “stuck” in a contracted state or compromised from an injury and then Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA) sets in, causing everything from chronic (or even acute) musculature pain to generalized anxiety, depression and even auto-immune diseases and other chronic joint pain such as arthritis caused by inflammation in the body.

A consistent SOMBA practice will help alleviate pain in the body, advance flexibility, and correct postural imbalances, among many other health benefits.

"The release techniques I learned in your psoas class continue to be helpful in my weekly practice, and my plantar fasciitis is GONE!"

- Christopher D. (Phoenix)

"You are someone who can change people's lives by what you are doing. I'm a wait and see kind of girl but my jaw hasn't popped since last night... this is amazing and I am so glad our path collided...!!"

Leah - Kansas City, MO

I was in a car wreck and broke my sternum

When I took your pectoral major/minor class, my sternum popped and let go in a way that only the chiropractor had been able to do since my wreck. Your class opened my eyes to something amazing!

(Shannon, Overland Park, KS)

Cara Duryea started teaching in 2019 to bring Somatic Movement to the community and to promote the reconnection between brain and body in order to unwind contraction and tension patterns held by the body, the nervous system and fascia. Her teaching style incorporates various somatic movement modalities and has evolved into SOMBA - the Synthesis of Movement & Body Awareness classes she now teaches.

Cara is a believer in movement therapy and a success story for the forgotten psoas release, having found the somatic exercise related to the psoas muscle in 2016, which she has incorporated into a weekly practice after a low-back injury (completely related to a tight psoas) in early 2018. A former long-distance runner for 20 years and a yogi and bellydancer who has practiced through pain caused by a chronically tight psoas from 2009 - 2019, Cara can now look back to realize the state of chronic pain her body was in for the previous 10 years, having incorporated Somatic Movement into her practice on a regular basis since January 2018, and now feels better and younger than she did 10 years ago! Inspired by the ability to literally unwind years of pain caused by the body’s chronic contraction of certain muscles, she now teaches somatic movement practices to help others remember how “to be” in our bodies, feel happiness/joy in our bodies, and release stagnant emotion/energy to recreate the state of being in complete harmony and homeostasis. Cara is a certified Clinical Somatic Educator/Healer through the Somatic Movement Center, 2019.